(see screen capture below) Select the ' Files ' tab. Type the command CONFIG at the command prompt. You will now need to tell AutoCAD where to find your new hatch patterns when you use the Hatch command in AutoCAD. We recommend you place the 'Hatch' folder on drive ' C: ' The folder that is created will look like this: C: Hatch Step 3: Now open your AutoCAD. Typically you will be asked for the location that you would like to place the uncompressed folder and files.

(If you don't receive the download link, just email Kevin at and he will be glad to quickly email you the.zIp file) Download the.zip file to your hard drive. Installation Steps: Step 1: Once you have purchased the 100 Plus Hatch Patterns you will receive a download link from. To download these free AutoCAD hatch patterns, simply right click on the patterns you want and choose Save Target As, then place the PAT file in a path included in your AutoCAD support paths. ProgeCAD 2011 is low cost enhanced version of IntelliCAD design software for editing Autodesk AutoCAD DWG files offering a similar interface. AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2010 compatible CAD software you can afford, now Windows 7 compatible - Try for free. AutoCAD compatible CAD Software - edit DWG 2010, PDF, & 3D support, low cost.